New Member
I'm a relatively new streamer. I noticed recently that when I stream, my ping gradually increases. I'm usually around the 100 ping area. But the longer I wait, the higher the ping gets. It's not a spike, it's a very gradual increase, and after about 2 minutes it's at the 3 minutes. At this point, I restart stream, and the ping drops back to normal... temporarily. I've tried turning off other applications such as spotify and skype that may hog my bandwidth. My internet is relatively competent: The only solution I have is to restart stream. I don't even have to wait a couple seconds after shutting down streams before starting up stream. I literally hit the stop, and then immediately hit start. I think... perhaps there's some sort of cache that isn't being cleared properly? Just speculation, I'm not very savvy with this kind of thing. But if I could get some help with this, that would be greatly appreciated.