Question / Help Gradual ping increase on LoL stream


New Member
I'm a relatively new streamer. I noticed recently that when I stream, my ping gradually increases. I'm usually around the 100 ping area. But the longer I wait, the higher the ping gets. It's not a spike, it's a very gradual increase, and after about 2 minutes it's at the 3 minutes. At this point, I restart stream, and the ping drops back to normal... temporarily. I've tried turning off other applications such as spotify and skype that may hog my bandwidth. My internet is relatively competent: The only solution I have is to restart stream. I don't even have to wait a couple seconds after shutting down streams before starting up stream. I literally hit the stop, and then immediately hit start. I think... perhaps there's some sort of cache that isn't being cleared properly? Just speculation, I'm not very savvy with this kind of thing. But if I could get some help with this, that would be greatly appreciated.


I noticed you re-created this topic. It was in a better place before, as it is unlikely to be an OBS bug and is more likely an overestimation of your connection's capabilities and/or a misconfiguration of OBS.

You see, LoL is quite the bandwidth hog, for a MOBA anyway. Its netcode is quite inefficient. I am guessing you are simply streaming at too high of a bitrate to maintain both the stream and LoL without LoL suffering for it.

So... 2 things: -- To determine which server is the most stable for you. -- To determine your real world upload speed to that general location.'s method of testing is inaccurate for streaming purposes, it relies on burst, not on sustain. is a closer approximation of your sustained speed. Although still not perfectly reliable it is more reliable that SpeedTest. Be sure to pick a test server near the most ideal stream server for you.


New Member
Hmm... That may be the case. The upload test came back as about a 2.9 mb/s upload speed. I stream at 1080p, 60 fps, 2k bitrate. Should I lower the settings? and which settings to what levels?


1080p@60 FPS is a bad idea either way. At that framerate, 1080p starts becoming very, very CPU/GPU and bandwidth hungry. Either drop the bitrate to 30 FPS or drop the resolution to 720p (Resolution Downscale, in Settings -> Video). Or, possibly even better, 720p@30 FPS. I have personally experimented a lot with Dota 2 (another MOBA, although better optimized as far as its netcode is concerned) and have gotten very good results with 720p@30 FPS (Lanczos filter) at bitrates you are using.

A MOBA does not really need the 60 FPS to get its content across, its motion is fortunately not all that high.

Just start off with that, without changing the bitrate first. I am thinking the 1080p@60 FPS is simply pushing your actual bitrate quite a bit over the 2000 kbps you specified.


New Member
CPU/GPU aren't an issue for me. I've got a i5-3570k with a gtx 660ti, both quite competent. But the bandwidth is what limits me. Hmm... I suppose I may have to drop to 30 fps then. :(


1080p@60 FPS is VERY, VERY CPU, GPU hungry, as I said. ;) And not just to you, but also to your viewers.