Question / Help GoPro Camera HDMI to USB Input problem

Chris Rapp

New Member
I am trying to use a GoPro camera with only HDMI out ports through a HDMI to USB converter into my computer that is running OBS Studio. I cannot get it my computer to detect the GoPro and therefore it is not detected as a video source that can be used in a scene setup in OBS.

Are there any suggestions on the proper adapter that is needed to take the GoPro HDMI out to USB In on my computer? Or is there an alternate setup that could be used to accomplish this?

Thank you!


Active Member
The gopro won't show up in that setup.
The USB Capture device should.

If it's a USB to HDMI output device, it can't be used to capture.

Chris Rapp

New Member
thanks for the quick reply Harold. Is there an adapter that I can purchase that would enable the GoPro to work? Unfortunately it only is HDMI Out and I don't have an HDMI In port on my computer. Thanks again for your help.


Active Member
Something like the magewell XI100DUSB, Startech USB3HDCAP or blackmagic intensity shuttle usb 3.0 version would work well.