Global Sources with independent settings


The Helping Squad
Correct me if I am wrong but currently global sources only allow you to position the source differently in each scene, or if you use it more than once in a scene. Now for example if you want to have your webcams opacity on 50% in one scene and on 100% on another scene, you have to remove it off the global sources list.
Maybe there could be an option to change this behavior. I personally would prefer to remove the complete global sources button, and menu that lists them, and just add the option to make a source a global source by activating a checkbox in its properties. So it can be added using Add -> Global Sources afterwards to other scenes.
Now this would of course be a bigger rewrite I guess, maybe the main idea to save less settings global, or if you change them on a scene, they just get set for this "instance" of the global source and do not overwrite the global ones.
I guess this could be useful for more stuff than just webcams in the future.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Jack0r! Yes, the global sources button will be removed in the long term. It's a bit annoying to deal with currently.


New Member
As first help you could put a black or white shape/picture over the camera picture with reduced opacity to get a nearly simmilar efect


New Member
I'm having this exact issue, where I need a global source to have different opacity in different scenes. Seeing as this thread is almost a year old, how long is long term or is this option still being considered?


The Helping Squad
Features like this will sooner or later come to the rewrite of OBS. But we cannot really give any ETA on it. The rewrite comes along good, but more important features have to be added before everything will be usable (especially under windows).