"Global" sources/more text scrolling options


New Member
Hey there. I'm really impressed with OBS so far, and looking forward to seeing it go from strength to strength. Thanks Jim for working on this great piece of software.

One feature I'd like to see is... I'd call it "global sources", but that already exists in OBS :p Anyway, I'd like to see the ability to add sources to a scene, then define them as being "global" - that is, they'll appear in the same place, with the same settings, in every scene.

Also, some more settings for the text scrolling behaviour, to make it better suited to the content updating on the fly (e.g. following a chat). For example:

  • Reset the scroll position when the source text file is updated
  • Delay scrolling for x seconds when the text is updated
  • Disable scrolling when the content is short enough to fit inside the extents of the text source

Thanks for reading.


Forum Moderator
bmn said:
One feature I'd like to see is... I'd call it "global sources", but that already exists in OBS :p Anyway, I'd like to see the ability to add sources to a scene, then define them as being "global" - that is, they'll appear in the same place, with the same settings, in every scene.

This could be implemented as an optional setting for global sources to "share position and size" when creating the global source.


The Helping Squad
A bit late on this thread but I just got a similar idea today. I know its my own stupidity but I often add a source to a scene, move it around and when I am finished I think, damn why didnt I add it as a global source in the first place.
So I thought about a properties button, or right-click menu option to add a source to the global sources.
I think it could also feel a bit more comfortable to add global sources that way.