Question / Help Gif on key


New Member
Hi guys,
can u help me with ahk script?
I need script, what will after use keyboard "numpad0" mouse left click on source turn on/off square. If it will be picture - abc.gif source, I will play or stop gif by key.


Its not everytime active window and I have 2 monitors for streaming.
I tried it with this my own script:

If WinExist("ahk_class OBSWindowClass")
MouseGetPos, CoordXRec, CoordYRec
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 ; Move the mouse instantly.
setmousedelay -1
Click 437, 580 ahk_class OBSWindowClass"
MouseMove, %CoordXRec%, %CoordYRec%

but I am beginner in ahk scripts (english too) and the problem with this script is that if window is not active, mouse click in other active window.

Thx for help everyone
I believe this can be solved by using OBS Studio without any hotkey script. You can setup hotkeys to turn on or off various objects within a scene.


New Member
i cant have obs studio because i cant add global sources as in obs classic, its important for me to do my own transitions between scenes.