Question / Help Generic Q, How can I force audio from a program to stream?


New Member
I'm using dual monitors and when I switch from my video game on the PC (steam/gfwl game Street Fighter 4) the audio turns off. I'm sure this is a feature, but when I want to chat in stream chat or look up tournament brackets in a browser I don't want the audio to cut out for the stream viewers.

The game is running in windowed mode and stays on my first monitor. I do all my extra work on the 2nd monitor.

Is there a way to route audio directly from the program or a 3rd party app that forces the audio to continue / window to remain focused?


Re: Generic Q, How can I force audio from a program to strea

Doesn't the game in question have an option to keep playing audio while in background? You're right, it is a feature, a feature of the games. ;) It is not something OBS can control.


New Member
Re: Generic Q, How can I force audio from a program to strea

I was mainly hoping that other streamers would have figured out a solution =)


Re: Generic Q, How can I force audio from a program to strea

Yes, there is a solution -- Play Audio in background; many games have this option. If the one you're playing does not have this option then there is really very little that can be done. It is not something OBS has any control over.

An alternative solution would be to force the game to always remain in foreground, to Windows anyhow. By playing it in a Borderless Window. If it supports it, that is.