Bug Report Games are flickering/stuttering


New Member
hello guys,

I've been using OBS for some versions now and had no problems with it, but now I noticed my screen flickers. What's weird though is that only some stream viewers said they see the flickering too while others claimed the stream was perfectly fine for them.

So I checked the recording and saw it flickering for me. Here's an example: http://twitch.tv/that_other_vidya_stream/b/349897382 (fastforward to 1:30). I'm using v0.461a.

I am of course streaming in window mode.

I thought it may be caused by the ingame/window hook but I seem to get the same problem if I just assign a region as well.


New Member
Joe33345 said:
I checked your recording and saw no flicker. What browser do you use?

Firefox 17.0.1 with Flash 10.3 plugin.

Could it be that the stuttering comes from the outdated Flash plugin?

edit: Yup, it was Flash. Upgraded version shows no flickering


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Thank you for the information. Good to know for future reference.