Hello, Before I ask my question here are my specs and internet speed, since I know this will be asked for.
https://gyazo.com/26b2f5a28ddd8caef17c7710fa79e9f0 - Specs
http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5493282058 - Internet speed
To my understanding I should be able to stream atleast 720p 60fps, however when I try to stream with 60 fps my game lags (trying to stream CS:GO).
Here are also screenshots of my current settings:
As you can see I've changed it to 30 fps and my game ran smoothly, stream still lags however, on both 1080p and 720p
log file: https://gist.github.com/d57234bef5bec6be2e83414fa981661b
My question is what settings are wrong / need to be improved and why is my game lagging when I stream 60fps
https://gyazo.com/26b2f5a28ddd8caef17c7710fa79e9f0 - Specs
http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5493282058 - Internet speed
To my understanding I should be able to stream atleast 720p 60fps, however when I try to stream with 60 fps my game lags (trying to stream CS:GO).
Here are also screenshots of my current settings:
As you can see I've changed it to 30 fps and my game ran smoothly, stream still lags however, on both 1080p and 720p
log file: https://gist.github.com/d57234bef5bec6be2e83414fa981661b
My question is what settings are wrong / need to be improved and why is my game lagging when I stream 60fps
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