Question / Help GameCapture cannot hook d3d8?


New Member
Forgive if this was asked in the past but I'm curious why GameCapture can hook something as old as OpenGL 1.x but not D3D8 or D3D9. It works beautifully for D3D10 though, as does any OpenGL version including 1.x

Would you require some help in that department or is there really no use adding support for such a thing? (I can understand if it'd be feature bloat..)


Community Helper
Re: GameCapture cannot hook d3d9?

It can hook D3D9, not D3D8 and earlier. They are different APIs, and D3D8 and earlier hasn't been coded yet. OpenGL is different, and game capture is written such that it can capture those types of games.

If you want to volunteer, go for it :) It's open source after all.


Town drunk
Re: GameCapture cannot hook d3d9?

It's definitely not feature bloat, there are for sure some older DirectX games I would love to be able to capture. (Looking at you, X-Wing Alliance on DirectX 5)


New Member
Re: GameCapture cannot hook d3d9?

Finding information on the older d3d API's and how they worked and talked to the graphics card might be a bit of a PITA, but I'm needing to learn about this stuff so when I get some time I'll sit down on this one and try to figure it out.

It's better figuring out how to actually hook into this than having to wrap it around something else to make it work.


Community Helper
Re: GameCapture cannot hook d3d9?

You might want to talk to Jim about it before getting your hands too dirty, because he's in the middle of a big code rewrite. But I'm sure he wouldn't object to someone else coming in and looking into adding DX8 (and earlier) hooking.