New Member
New user to OBS, before I get into it all. Just want to state that I've watched tons of OBS vids online. Messed with it around a bit until I got the settings that works best for me to stream. However encountered an issue that I found out to be weird when streaming games off my laptop. Long story short, I get this game stuttering or video stuttering when ever I stream. Like I don't know how to explain it. Game sounds as if it repeats the audio or stutters a bit. Now I know what you about to say, speed test, areo enabled, uncheck window capture. I don't use Areo nor have window capture on. But I figure that the problem lies in the settings I have with OBS. Reason I say that is because when I go to preview stream and test it out from there, the problem shows up. So it has nothing to do with online or how fast my internet is if I can see the issue in preview stream. I hope someone can help me out with this issue.