Question / Help Game Capture?


New Member
I've looked around for this a bit but can't find anything, apologies if it's an obvious answer.

Anyway, in the display sources list, the "game capture" option (which I've been told by friends to try) simply isn't there and I can't find anything on Google that helps me solve the issue. Is it just not a feature that's available on the Mac version yet?

I'm trying to stream League of Legends and the Window Capture mode is no good because for whatever reason the Mac version of League opens two separate windows, one client and one actual game, and the game window isn't listed as one of the available windows so the only thing I can stream is the client. This seems to obviously be a League issue, though, so I'll see if I can figure out if there's a way around this.


Town drunk
You have to use something called Syphon. I *think* it's just another type of source in OBS-MP, but I'm not sure. I'm unfortunately not very familiar with Mac.


New Member
You need to use the syphon inject feature of mac OBS and select your LoL app and inject syphon into that process.
Then in mac OBS select add syphon source and you should see LoL pop up after injecting it w/the syphon goodness


New Member
Thanks a lot, guys! The Syphon capture is working really well, and it's easy enough to switch between two scenes (one for client and the other for in-game) until the program confines itself to one process.

I'll post again if there are any issues, but everything looks and feels 100% better than it did with other capture modes.


New Member
Another question here, figured I'd just throw it in this thread since it's related to this feature. I'm still using the SyphonInject feature, but I'm having a problem switching between sources.

I'm using OBS to stream League of Legends, which on Mac runs in two separate processes: one is the client window, and once you begin a game, the actual game window loads. Since these are individual windows I've been running two scenes, one for the client and one for the game window. Each has one source -- the client's source is a SyphonInject process running in the League launcher, the game's source is the injected "League of Legends" application.

When a game finishes, there's either a victory or defeat screen, then the game window closes and the player is brought back to the client. This works fine and I switch between them without a problem, but when it's time for a new game, the game source stays stuck on the end screen of the previous game. The League of Legends game process doesn't exist at that point (it closes so only the client remains), so it seems as though it's not reading the new League of Legends source (that is, the next incarnation of the game window process) or something like that. The SyphonInject source seems to get stuck on that particular League of Legends process only, and doesn't re-inject itself into the new game window when the process opens again.

Between games, this means I have to close and reopen SyphonInject a few times to try and get it to work, so generally there's a 60-90 window of black screen where I'm not displaying anything because I'm trying to get the game window to properly display. Any ideas on what may cause this or possible fixes? Tomorrow I'm going to try running the two sources in one scene and see if that makes it easier to switch, but I'm certainly open to other ideas.
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New Member
I've also noticed that when I'm trying to fix the issue by re-injecting, the League game window disappears as a possible source and I have to try closing and opening SyphonInject multiple times to get the game recognized again.


New Member
Been running into the same probem. Makes it a hassle having to switch scenes both before and after game and having to resiphon as well. Makes it a serious hassle.

Additionally, I'm also getting bug splats every time I resiphon, why is this?


New Member
Have you changed any settings since then? I just installed some updates, repaired my LoL Client and even restarted my comp after both changes. Additionally, out of paranoia and readin some comments even changed additional settings on OBS to better fit.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
There's probably a few issues:
1.) I'm betting we need to update our syphon library version to the latest build, I'm not entirely sure but ours might be out of date which may be causing those bugsplats (though I'm just theorizing at this point in that regard)
2.) We do indeed need a way to automatically capture new games rather than being forces to switch windows in the settings. Something similar to "Capture any fullscreen window" that the windows version of game capture module has would be a very convenient thing to have.

Not sure what sort of time frame I can give on it but I do plan on getting these issues fixed at some point. Sorry about the trouble in the mean time.


New Member
No worries, I'm not concerned about a timeframe; I just wanted to make sure you guys knew about the issue. I'll see if I can figure out anything in the meantime, since part of the fun of being a Mac user is finding neat ways around things that don't quite work properly on OS X.

This actually worked just fine a couple months ago around the time I made the thread from late January to early February. When switching scenes from the client view to game view, everything went fine and the only time I needed to use SyphonInject was right at the beginning of the broadcast. I don't know what caused this to start happening, obviously, and you'd have a better idea about it than I do.


New Member
I wonder if it would work if you ran league in windowed mode and selected the game window... You would need to run it boarder less of course, but it might work then. I"ll try later when I get the chance and post my findings.


New Member
I'd like to try that, but it unfortunately doesn't seem possible. If you're using borderless window, Window Capture doesn't detect the League of Legends game process at all, so it doesn't appear in the list as a possible source.

Edit: I just tested to see if there are any different results (with Game Capture) when running the game in fullscreen, but the problem is still the same.
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New Member
I was trying to set up a similar thing to what ecarlstrom was. I wanted a window capture for league of legends client and game capture for in-game play. However, the issue of game capture only working for one game (then either bugsplatting or having to redo the syphon injection for the next game) still persists, and I am still unable to choose the game window under the window capture dropdown selection. Is there any progress on its fix or any tips to get around it since the topic was brought up last?


New Member
Something I've found that helps a bit is to wait a moment when the load screen shows up. Usually I'd wait until right after champ select then alt-tab and try to set up the game syphon process again, but I've recently started waiting until people start loading. Once I see myself start to load into the game (even if it's just 1%), I tab out and try the syphon process then.

Not a great fix but it's worked faster than the way I tried it before.


New Member
I have run into a similar problem lately. A friend and I would like to start streaming, however, I can't really do that because every time I try to stream on my Mac, I'm able to stream the first part of league, but it doesn't let me stream the actual gameplay. I can't use window capture because the LOL Client doesn't show up on it, and when I try to use the Syphoninject feature on game capture, I'd inject it but it either says null beside it and it refuses to work. I just get a black screen. I couldn't find anything on this, and I was wondering what the problem is, and if anyone knows how to fix this? It is very strange, and I would like to Fox this problem as soon as possible so I can stream with my friend. Thanks.
As League of Legends appears to be one of very few games who work this crazy, I'd suggest doing just a full display capture. We can not expect the developers of OBS to come up with a solution for something that is crap in the first place.