Question / Help Game Capture source


Hey I was streaming Soldier Front 2 tonight in full screen mode since they do not have an option for windows full screened. The problem I am having is the Game Capture source wont pick up the game, it does not show up in the drop down box. I have checked when in game and when on the smaller window in the lobby it doesnt show up. Now the good thing is OBS will still stream the game even though it is in full screen the bad thing is since its in full screen on my stream things like the mini map and other various hud things tend to flash like disappear and reappear. I wasnt 100% where to post this so. Hopefully this can be fixed or become a recognizable game for OBS or they impliment a windows full screen mode either way I plan on streaming this game alot and hope something becomes available.

in short: Soldier Front 2 does not show up in the OBS Game Source Dropdown box. The game is only fullscreen and windowed mode, no Windowed fullscreen is available. Game gets captured but the hud flashes while playing in full screened mode. I have restarted OBS and the game itself no luck.


Forum Admin
Have you tried running OBS as admin? If that doesn't help, the game probably hides itself as part of an anti-cheating technique.


Thanks for the response R1CH I actually have, unfortunately it still does not show up on OBS so my guess is your right about it auto hiding it as anti-cheat is there anyway around that other than playing in windowed mode, until Fullscreen windowed mode is released for SF2 I guess I will have to deal with the flashing hud. Thanks again