Question / Help Game capture problem [fixed: was wrong GPU]


New Member
So, im streaming SC2 recently and im using Game capture. However, the screen is flickering or black in both 32 or 64 bit OBS. Any suggestions?


Re: Game capture problem

post a log but before doing that try and disable/uncheck any sources that you're not displaying.


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Re: Game capture problem

If you are getting flickering, you could be on an optimus laptop or something, usually the only time I've heard of it happening is in that case. What happens is it'll run OBS on the intel integrated and the game will be running on the nvidia/AMD, and you have to force OBS somehow to run on the nvidia instead. Both the game and OBS need to run on the same GPU. Quite annoying.


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Re: Game capture problem

Yep, exactly as I thought. I'll have to put in an option to switch GPUs, but for the time being you may have to force it somehow in nvidia settings or something to use the nvidia GPU (might also be doable by right clicking on the icon, I can't remember exactly)