Why should I use Game Capture instead of DXTory for OBS? What are the main advantages of Game Capture over DXTory? Should I use the 32-bit or 64-bit OBS for World of Warcraft?
DXtory uses CPU to capture your game while Game Capture uses GPU. If your GPU is overloaded but you have CPU time to spare, DXtory would work better, and vice versa.
In general, Game Capture performance is better, especially at higher resolutions, while DXtory supports some things that Game Capture doesn't, such as DirectX 7 and 8.
Really? I was always under the impression DXTory used your GPU to capture. Good to know. Should I use 64-bit or 32-bit OBS for capturing World of Warcraft (64-bit)?
64bit has some optimizations in the x264 encoding which can be up to a 5% increase in performance. So if you don't have driver problems or anything strange always use the 64bit version.
Your reply is late, and it is also wrong. Because of the way DXtory works, it has to download the texture from the video RAM to system memory before it can either present it over the virtual DirectShow device or record it to disk, and all operations aside from the optional initial scaling of the framebuffer on the GPU will have to be handled by the software itself.
No offense, but if you don't want people to get misinformed, then maybe you should make sure that you know what you're talking about before posting something like this. The fact remains that DXtory mainly puts load on the CPU while Game Capture is processed entirely on your video card and thus causes almost no CPU load at all.
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