Game Capture not supported for Live for Speed (Game)


New Member
So yeah, thats basically it, I want to stream Live for Speed but the game capture feature doesn't work for that game, when I have the game opened up and I go to Add a new game capture Live for Speed doesn't show up in the list :/

So I wanted to know if its going to get added or any way that I can use game capture to stream that game!

Thanks :)


If you are using the 64 bit version of OBS it won't work with 32 bit games. Switch to 32 bit OBS if you want to use game capture.


New Member
But game capture does work for League of Legends, I already streamed LoL but I cant stream Live for Speed with game capture, it doesnt show up in the list :/


You can try window capture, but for this you will need to be in windowed mode(I believe fullscreen windowed mode should work as well).


New Member
Yea but LFS doesnt have FullScreen Windowed :/ And playing in windows mode kinda sucks cuz the mouse keeps getting out sometimes :/

Thats why I was "suggesting" adding it to OBS game capture...


New Member
Oh yea I had already forget that shift window existed xD

I'll give it a try and post feedback here :)

EDIT: It doesn't work too good because the windows bar stays on the screen :/
