Question / Help Game Capture Lagging But No Window Capture


New Member
When i choose game capture to stream i lag alot! When i choose window capture i don't. I want game capture since it just streams the program you choose and only that like saying if you open up another window it won't show up only the specific window you chose to stream. If you can please help me i really wanna use game capture but i don't know the problem.


New Member
Kharay said:
What game are you capturing? And could you post a logfile of a stream where it lagged?
I am atm trying to capture minecraft. Sorry i don't know what a logfile is. Im not that really good at computer stuff.


I personally have Aero Enabled and am using Game Capture for Minecraft, without any trouble. Could you show us a broadcast of when you used Game Capture and it lagged?

And, post a log of that as well.


Well, the log file suggests you didn't lag all that much really. However, I'd have to agree... the recording looks awful. On numerous levels. The quality is weird, the resolution is all wrong. We know what resolution you're capturing it in but what resolution are you playing it at?