Question / Help Game Capture Issues?


New Member
Recently got a new monitor and have lightboosting enabled on it, after enabling the lightboost, i can no longer game capture WoW? or any other game, why is this?


I am not really sure about the lightboost functioning since i have never used it but just thinking out loud: it might be something to do with the lightboost causing your pc to "think" it's in 3D mode even tho it's not. This would cause problems with obs since obs doesn't support 3D capturing.

I might be completely wrong but someone who has actual experience with lightboost might know for sure. Now we know you use hacked lightboost so someone might know a fix or a workaround.


New Member
it works now, i had to enable the settings in the nvidia control panel for it. works now. it actually captures it in 3d too so the stream quality looks interesting. will not stream with this effect


Okay cool to know you got it working :p and yeah lol maybe not the best effect to stream with if that's the case lol :p


New Member
it works with glasses though if u got em. like movie glasses. kinda cool. but anyways i have another question. i streen in windowed fullscreen of course. but i noticed something. my graphic settings i choose in my nvidia control panel only apply to that fullscreen windowed mode setting. when i change to fullscreen completely my graphic settings revert and all my changes are undone. why is this?