Question / Help Game Capture issue?


New Member
So my biggest issue with Game Capture is whenever I start a game, I have to actually go into the properties option in my gamecapture source, and click okay, even though its already set on the game I want to capture. It will not show up at all if I start a new game unless I do this, I dont even have to select the game, I just have to go into the properties and the just click "ok" and then it will show up... Is this just me, or is this unfortunately how gamecapture works?


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Well actually I think what happens is the game you previously had it set to is no longer listed, and it just by coincidence shows your current game at the top. If you want the least amount of issues and the ability to use it with any game without having to select the window, use the hotkey option instead and press the hotkey when you get into the game you wish to capture.


New Member
hmm i'll have to try that, ive been having an issue with State of Decay not showing up no matter what, but I think it may be a problem with the game and not OBS.

Anywho like I said i'll have to try that. I just wish there was a hotkey for preview stream, so I wouldn't have to go live to test it