Bug Report Game Capture Blackscreen: Skyrim


New Member
Running 0.456a, Game capture returns a blackscreen from Skyrim. I've tried admin mode for both OBS and Skyrim, and not admin elevation for both. Doesn't help to use the launcher, use the raw exe or use SKSE loader. Blackscreen with or without ENB.

The windowmode+windowcapture-aero work around is functional but not ideal since one would want to get the most out of ENB (is using it) and also that dang ol' buzz word "immersion".


Town drunk
The ENB mod uses FXAA injectors and stuff, right? It's possible the mod conflicts with the DirectX hooks OBS needs to use.

edit: Just checked myself and Skyrim definitely works. I'm betting it's the ENB mod that is conflicting.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Multiple hooks will conflict. You're probably going to have to choose between the graphics modification and capturing it at the moment.