Bug Report Game capture and applications


New Member
Ok so basically i've been using obs for a month or so now and I love the software. Been using game capture for stuff like sc2, wow, lol, swtor without problems.

However when I tried adding game capture with this game called Phantasy star online 2 it doesnt find the application in the dropdown list. Tried both 32 and 64bit version, it doesnt show up at all. My guess is that gameguard is blocking the process from showing to avoid 3rd party programs..

Is there anything I can do to solve this? I notice a slight boost in streaming 60fps 720p with game capture over software capture(region). I'd prefer to not have to use dxtory ;x.

If someone experienced is reading this I'd love input on my current settings vs specs as Im still quite new to streaming:
i7 3770k 4.4ghz OC
6970 amd gpu
12gb ram
win7 64bit

quality 7, max bitrate 3500-4500 (27mbit up internet)
video: 1280x720, 60fps
use multithread, process priority normal, x264 preset very fast

I can stream phantasy star online 2 with window capture at 60fps aslong as I close chrome. cpu load is like 30% when I stream, 55ish with chrome up. With chrome up the stream's fps drops to 40 from 60.

tl;dr looking for a workaround to find PSO2's process in the game capture dropdown list as it doesnt show up there due to gameguard blocking it I believe.


Town drunk
There is probably not a way around this any time soon, if ever. Games like that have those security features that specifically prevent things hooking into the game process. I doubt you would be able to use DXtory either, as it also hooks in.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
From what I've seen the game guard thing seems to block it. I don't even really know how it does this, it's really quite weird. But there's probably ways around it, I need to update game capture anyway.


New Member
mm.i just downloaded dxtory to test and it does work with PSO2 & gameguard. dunno if that info helps though

sadly, window capture is superior to using dxtory+video capture it seems


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'm sure I can get it to work, I just have to bypass the whole window thing.