g4BallTracker - A custom Dock for OBS pool streamers

g4BallTracker - A custom Dock for OBS pool streamers 2022-10-23


ngholson submitted a new resource:

g4BallMinder - A custom Dock for OBS pool streamers - Keep track of which balls are still in play.

Keep track of balls left on table
A custom OBS overlay and Dock for pool streamers

A simple OBS Browser Dock and Stream overlay
for pool streamers to track balls left on the table.

supports TV ball colors as well as standard ball colors
(see screenshots below)

Choose which game eight nine or ten from the...

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New Member
Hey, just wanted to thank you very much for creating this and the companion g4ScoreBoard! It's really great!

I wasn't super happy with how any of the included ball sets looked so I created a 3D render set that looks much better to me. I'm attaching the set to this post for anyone else to use. To use, unzip the attached file under g4BallTracker-main/images/ and then edit g4BallTracker-main/config.

Change this line:
var ballColor = "standard"; // "black", "white", "standard"
var ballColor = "render"; // "black", "white", "standard"

Save, close, and re-start OBS.

I'll try and make a black set and a TV color set as well when I have some extra time.

(The main ball images are named "#.png", the files named "#p.png" are for "pocketed" balls, which is another project I'm working on...see my next post :)



  • g4BallTracker-main-RenderBalls.zip
    215.4 KB · Views: 55


New Member
I'm using a Streamdeck XL and the Companion app for my setup, and the hotkeys are working great for increasing/decreasing scores, etc. for g4ScoreBoard.

I'd really like to use it for g4BallTracker, too, but it doesn't look like the same allowances for hotkeys were made when developing it.

My background is in I.T. and I can dig into it and work on adding that functionality myself, but thought the original author might be up to doing it since you are already familiar with the codebase and writing this plug-in? Or I could work with you on it?

Thanks for any thoughts/advice/help!

Here are a couple quick shots of my setup. The buttons for the balls currently don't do anything but change the button icon:



I'm using a Streamdeck XL and the Companion app for my setup, and the hotkeys are working great for increasing/decreasing scores, etc. for g4ScoreBoard.

I'd really like to use it for g4BallTracker, too, but it doesn't look like the same allowances for hotkeys were made when developing it.

My background is in I.T. and I can dig into it and work on adding that functionality myself, but thought the original author might be up to doing it since you are already familiar with the codebase and writing this plug-in? Or I could work with you on it?

Thanks for any thoughts/advice/help!

Here are a couple quick shots of my setup. The buttons for the balls currently don't do anything but change the button icon:
View attachment 92647
View attachment 92646
Yea, sorry I didn't think to add hotkeys in the tracker. I will try to work that into my next build I greatly appreciate the feedback

I will see what I can do this week on this matter.


New Member
Cool, thanks! I actually emulated your code from g4ScoreBoard and got hotkeys added, was going to work on getting them to actually turn the balls on/off via the checkboxes this week.

I'll keep an eye open for any updates. I may still play with getting this working myself just for fun, but sure your version will be better (and supported!)


New Member
Thanks again for the great work on this. One minor suggestion for eight-ball games would be to have a way to indicate which player is solids and which is stripes.