Question / Help G13 Multikey Hotkey Question - Alt + A


New Member
I purchased a G13 to hopefully free up my own keyboard of hotkeys per scene. If I use G13 and assign one key hotkey (ex: A), there really is no problem. However, I would like to make the hotkeys on the g13 multikey (ex: CNTRL+A) which would free up my first keyboard totally so I can type without accidentally hitting a hotkey.

If I do CNTRL+A as a hotkey on OBS, and hit CNTRL+A on my keyboard, my scene will switch no problem. If I assign CNTRL+A to a key on the G13, OBS will not respond. However, using the same method with just 1 Key (A), OBS will respond to G13.

OBS Studio responds to multi hotkeys via the G13, I have tested it. I cannot use OBS Studio because it does not have the features I need implemented. Does anyone know how to possible fix or get OBS Classic to recognize CNTRL+key via another input (G13 / USB Keypad)?

Any advice and help would be appreciated.

Sorry if this question is confusing. I really don't know how to word it that well.
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New Member
*edit, I used a second program autohotkey to loop the ^a:: ^a and let it loop a set limit of times, and it seems to work. I let it loop twice, no go. Let it loop 3 times, not reliable. Let it loop 5 times, it seems to work each time (but sometimes it will go to hotkey a, instead of ^a), let it loop 10 times, it hits each time. With OBS Studio this is not necessary because Studio seems to pick up G13 with no issues the first time.

Not sure why Classic doesn't. Any input still appreciated.
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Forum Moderator
OBS Classic is no longer in development. What required features is Studio still missing? We're getting really close to feature parity at this point.


New Member
OBS Classic is no longer in development. What required features is Studio still missing? We're getting really close to feature parity at this point.

Slideshow & Video plugin the last I looked. Have these been implemented yet? Video being a major factor for my switch.


Forum Moderator
Slideshow support is in. There has been a media source for quite some time, but an additional VLC-based source is available now as well if you have VLC installed.


New Member
That is awesome news! I played with it today and could not get the files to play (black screen). I thought it was just an audio player as I could get audio to play. I will look into it. Thanks.


New Member
You have to use the VLC installer for the architecture you're using OBS with. That means 32-bit VLC ( for 32-bit OBS, and 64-bit VLC ( for 64-bit OBS. It should show up as a source after that.
Worked great! Thanks for the heads up, I guess I was missing out! If you see this response and have time, can you export scenes from classic and import them into studio? I am at work so I cannot test this out yet, so was just curious. I will find out tonight myself. Thanks Sapiens!