full custom ffmpeg output


New Member
I have a multilingual streaming system using some custom ffmpeg commands.
I'd like to switch to OBS to benefit from all its functionnality, but for that I would need to full control the output stream.

In other words, to be able to stream both the video and all the audio channels separately, (I then put everything together on the server).
I don't think the settings currently available allow to do such level of customization, is there a way to enter a really custom ffmpeg command. (selecting directly which track is included, multiple output)...

This would combine the powerful capabilities of OBS with the flexibility of ffmpeg.



Forum Moderator
Community Helper
You can go to Settings -> Output, choose Advanced, and select Custom FFMPEG Output. That has a field for all the ffmpeg parameters. OBS currently only supports sending one track, but that will change in the next update.


New Member
I indeed really need the multitrack aspect, is there any estimate timeline already for the next update which would include this change ?


PS: weird I was watching this topic but never got an email notification of the reply


New Member
Too bad I have not see this before, that's almost what I'm doing currently with ffmpeg.
Though I had not been successful pushing a multichannel track to nginx, so I was streaming first to a ffmpeg instance, looking a bit like your split script, but with an rtp listener.
I'm now using wowza, but putting a different stream for the video and each language track. This way I can use the available wowza modules to re-encode video to multiple bitrate and remux each audio with each video.
I'll see if I can replace my ffmpeg streaming with OBS instead.


i personally use a combination of nginx and wowza; i push from obs to nginx which exec a ffmpeg splitter script pushing to wowza. The latter auto pushes stream targets to YT, FB you name it. I've tested up to 16 languages.