Question / Help Frame Drops


New Member
This happens while recording and streaming. It used to record and stream on a solid 60 fps but now the frames hop from anywhere under 60 fps. I tried changing servers, and lowering bit rate, and it didn't work. I tried reinstalling it and adding new scenes... Thanks for reading.


Active Member
Post an OBS log file from a five minute or longer attempt while streaming/recording high action gameplay, preferably where the problem is happening.

The FPS loss is seen in your game or on the stream / recording?


Active Member
I asked for a five minute log, what you posted is only 4 seconds.

Use game or window capture, not monitor capture, by the way.


Active Member
Looks like your computer's GPU (Nvidia GT 720) is too slow for OBS. OBS does need a somewhat ok GPU to work, and the GT 720 is a low-end part.