Bug Report FPS problem


New Member
When streaming I seem not to get the full FPS that I am streaming at, I put my FPS to 60 in OBS and I play with over 120FPS ingame, also OBS shows that I am outputting 60FPS but when looking at the Preview window and on Twitch it looks more like 30-40fps?

Really interested in fixing this since it would make my stream much fancier! :D

My Specs:
I5 2500k 4,5GHz
6GB Ram 1333MHz Corsair
2x GTX 460 1GB (I have tried to stream with 1 card and I get the same problem)
60GB SSD Corsair Force 3
500GB Hitachi Harddrive 7200RPM
30/30 Mbits internet connection, streaming to the nearest server to me.

OBS Settings:
CBR = On
Max Bitrate = 4000kb/s
Buffer Size = 2000kb/s
Base Resolution = 1920x1080
Resolution Downscale = 1.50(720P)
Filter = Bilinear
FPS = 60
CFR = Unchecked
Process Priority Class = Normal
x264 CPU Preset = veryfast

Thanks for your help and time!! =)<3 Great Streaming Software!!


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I downloaded your vod to an FLV and did a thorough analysis of it using VLC, I ran it in super slow mode to see frames drawing one by one -- it actually is running at 60fps, but what's actually happening is that every 4-8 frames, one would be duplicated/missed. Game capture certainly wouldn't do this as it samples at a higher frequency to prevent this from occuring, so I don't know the exact cause but if I were to theorize, it could be that you're playing crysis and your GPU isn't the most power out there -- OBS is also a fairly demanding GPU/CPU application as well so the combination of all these things could be causing this imperfection to occur. However I'm also not entirely sure if this is just the vod or if this is what was transmitted - I would need to see an actual MP4 to be sure I think.

Definitely can confirm that there does seem to be one frame skipped/missing for every 4-8 frames though from the VLC output, which doesn't typically happen with other streams that I've seen, so I can't help but wonder what exactly is the cause here.

Your vod looks fine otherwise, almost perfect outside of that tiny imperfection.

(Also for testing FPS of your output I would recommend using file output rather than vods to check, because flash has a poor decoder, and because file output represents your "exact" transmission)


New Member
Jim said:
I downloaded your vod to an FLV and did a thorough analysis of it using VLC, I ran it in super slow mode to see frames drawing one by one -- it actually is running at 60fps, but what's actually happening is that every 4-8 frames, one would be duplicated/missed. Game capture certainly wouldn't do this as it samples at a higher frequency to prevent this from occuring, so I don't know the exact cause but if I were to theorize, it could be that you're playing crysis and your GPU isn't the most power out there -- OBS is also a fairly demanding GPU/CPU application as well so the combination of all these things could be causing this imperfection to occur. However I'm also not entirely sure if this is just the vod or if this is what was transmitted - I would need to see an actual MP4 to be sure I think.

Definitely can confirm that there does seem to be one frame skipped/missing for every 4-8 frames though from the VLC output, which doesn't typically happen with other streams that I've seen, so I can't help but wonder what exactly is the cause here.

Your vod looks fine otherwise, almost perfect outside of that tiny imperfection.

(Also for testing FPS of your output I would recommend using file output rather than vods to check, because flash has a poor decoder, and because file output represents your "exact" transmission)
Thanks a lot for the dedication!! haven't seen responses like this in years! :D

Yea it must be the graphics card, guess that's my new goal now :D
For the File Output I do have a recording with the exact settings from the Livestream or "VOD" if you are interested.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/203 ... is%202.mp4


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Forum Moderator
Honestly your recordings look great outside of that detail. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides, I was just theorizing that it was your video card -- I don't know if that actually is the cause or not.


New Member
Jim said:
Honestly your recordings look great outside of that detail. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides, I was just theorizing that it was your video card -- I don't know if that actually is the cause or not.
I have been looking into this a lot too and I ended up with it being the graphics card too, basically the only thing I haven't replaced yet.
But really want my stream to look perfect before I start doing it seriously.
Really appreciate the analyze and quick response though!