Question / Help FPS drops when streaming in 1080p


New Member
I'm able to stream fine in 720p with no frame drops, but when I stream in 1080p I sometimes get random FPS drops. Sometimes it's constant at 30, sometime it drops to around 20 briefly but then returns to 30. It doesn't seem to change depending on when I move in game, and in game I get at least 80fps with no FPS drops. What is the cause of this? I'd love to stream in 1080p, and my computer specs are good so I'd like to assume that it's definitely possible to stream in 1080p. I stream WoW and use 64 bit OBS. I know my bitrate is low for 1080p, but I've seen other people stream at 1080p at this bitrate and it's fine (I know you get artifacting and blurriness when motion occurs with a lower bitrate, but there should not be an FPS drop).

Is there any settings I should change or fix to help me stop getting these FPS drops?

Computer specs:

CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.40GHz (Not OCed)
PSU: Corsair CS750M
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR3
Motherboard: AsRock Z77 Extreme4

Latest log from last stream:


Active Member
You're trying to stream 1080@30 on 1900kbps.

First, that isn't going to work except on super-low-motion, and even then it's going to have problems. Even if it did, it would look TERRIBLE.

Second, your CPU is being overworked at that res, and skipping/duping a bunch of frames. Might be the game and encoder together, or other stuff running on the system at the time (Chrome is a notorious hog). You'll need to pare things down.

Third, your connection is flaky and dropping a bunch of frames even at 1900kbps. Be aware that it's advised not to use more than 2/3 of your potential upload rate to account for network fluctuation, and only 1/2 if you're playing a multiplayer game. If you're already doing that, download the Twitch Bandwidth Tester from the Teamliquid site and see if there's a better server you could switch to.

So yeah. All in all, you can't do 1080p. Drop to 720@30, or you have more work to do, including streamlining your system and yelling at/switching your ISP.