Question / Help FPS Dropping


New Member
Hello everyone. I'm new OBS. When I stream there is FPS dropping issue and it is happening only if i play +60 fps. For example on Rocket League. Normally I lock the fps to 144. When I stream with 144 fps, on the stream it is like 10 fps, 15 maybe but if i lock fps to 60, it is perfect on stream. I've +25 mbit download, 4 mbit upload speed. I'm on laptop which has gtx 970m and i7-6700hq with 16 gigs of ram. This is the log from my test aforementioned above; Thank you.

Edit: It seems If I set my game above 99 FPS, stream starts dropping. Why?

Edit2: And the quality is terrible. I'm using CBR with 1000 bitrate. Resolution is downscaled 1280 from 1920 (30 FPS). How can i make it better? My last stream:
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