Question / Help Fps drop (IN GAME)


I get around 40 fps when I want atleast 60 in League of Legends. I run it in Borderless. 2k - 2k on both bitrate and buffer. 5.01 upload and 30 download. I use windows capture because I have Windows 8 and you guys haven't released that big patch yet. I run everything on low in the game. My specs are Intel Quad Cpu 2.4GHz Q6600 4096 MB Ram. GeForce GTX 260 SLI and two monitors. Need help bros!


The only thing that comes to my mind is that your cpu is simply too weak. Possible sollutions:
1. Decrease resolution in OBS
2. Decrease resolution in LoL
3. Decrease FPS in OBS
4. Choose faster encoder preset in OBS
5. Increase bitrate to maybe 2500 - 3000 (with this your CPU will get offloaded because it will have more space for encoding available)

You haven't told very much about what settings were you using. You can also change source to Game Capture or try turning off Aero. ou could post a log too.


Town drunk
What resolution and framerate are you trying to stream? A stock clock Q6600 is not very powerful, I wouldn't really try anything higher than 480p25fps with that setup.


Ok, I've done everything that micehal said. and the new release is really good I can now use monitor capture. But it still doesn't keep a constant 60.


Town drunk
No higher than 480p and 25-30fps. It's very unlikely that you will be able to maintain 60fps in the game, regardless. Streaming is quite system intensive, after all.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If possible, please post a log file where you attempted streaming and such