[For Vegas Editing] Other output formats ?


Hello there :)
I'm having a great time experiencing with OBS and I came across a suggestion.
When I output a scène for local recording, it creates an mp4 file (and might I say, a very good quality file for so little space used).

But editing .mp4 files in Sony Vegas is really buggy.

I know adding .avi may be added, but is adding another output format possible ? Something like .flv or other formats that Vegas doesn't bug with ?



Re: Other output formats ?

If you intend to use the files in video editing software, you will need to enable CFR (note, it's NOT the CBR option, there is a big difference).
CFR is available right now in the test 11 version or, if you can wait, in the next official release version.


Re: Other output formats ?

Thanks for the tip !
Actually I am currently editing a mp4 vidéo (without the CFR) and there are a lot of buggy screens that appear repeatedly. They only last for one frame, but it's annoying. Here's what it looks like, do you think this issue would be fixed if I used a .flv file or used CFR instead when editing in vegas ?


Town drunk
It might be, the latest test versions have had several fixes trying to address issues with editing programs.


Hey again,
So I noticed Vegas hates .flv even more than .mp4 when it comes down to editing. I guess I'll stick with MP4.
Seems activating CRF and CFR plus the newest version (0.47a) makes things better for editing in Vegas :)
I have not come across any glitch like in my first message while experimenting.

However and this is a bit off topic, but here I go. I really love the quality in which OBS renders out MP4 files. What settings can I use in Sony Vegas 12 to get such light weighted files ? Thanks a bunch.


Forum Admin
Vegas doesn't use the x264 encoder, so nothing you can set in Vegas will achieve the same quality.


Town drunk
Generally what people do if they want to edit in something like Vegas is do local recording only and crank up the bitrate super high. This way you have room to edit and compress with in your editing software of choice.


Thanks for your responses ! Man, that's quite a bummer. Oh well, I guess I won't be able to get decent quality under 300 to 500 mb mp4 vidéos (my actual settings).

Concerning the bitrate, I am at 20 000 bitrate right now, do you recommend going even higher for local recordings (and further editing in vegas) ?


Active Member
New to these forums and just getting into game streaming / broadcasting. I have some experience capturing with Fraps and uploading to YouTube or wherever, and using Sony Vegas to do the editing. The same principles should apply here. (Btw, I'm soon going to try capturing on a second computer in high quality to avoid the severe performance penalty Fraps gives me).

To get the best final video quality for non-live content, capture at the best quality possible. Edit in Vegas, output to an "intermediate file". This means that you don't attempt to have Vegas output to a file that you'll actually share, but to a temporary super-high quality master file (i.e. the "intermediate file"). I personally do uncompressed AVI as my Vegas output. Then use Handbrake to compress the file into an .MP4 suitable for distribution or upload, or what have you.

This also means you can mess with various Handbrake quality and resize settings without having to re-render each time in Vegas. Once you're done, you can delete the intermediate file, which is important because it will likely be many many gigabytes in size. That's the downside, the intermediate file could fill an entire modern hard drive if your content is hours long. But it ensures the final output from Handbrake will have the highest final quality and/or compression possible (whichever tradeoffs you choose). Then you just delete the intermediate file and get your hard drive back. :;


Sounds like something I'll try out ! Never used Handbrake before though ^^'
I'll use that method for my 3D gaming videos and I'll stick to the OBS output as usual for 2D RPG vidéos :)

Edit w/ new question !
Wow I tried out the intermediate file solution w/ Handbrake : I'm in love w/ Handbrake ! Encoding in h.264 feels so good (...yeah). I tried out an uncompressed .avi but 100gig file (30min long footage) is too much. I then tried a simple compressor for .avi which rendered out a 30gig file (good enough).
It took a bit long (1 hour), my usual MP4 render take around half an hour (or less). Are there any .avi (uncompressed or a bit compressed) settings that are quick to render ?



Active Member
Yeah, here's a tutorial that does something very similar to what I do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=rWMX5lSvEgY

Its intermediate files are compressed a little, and I'm not sure if that will affect the time it takes to render them, but it should help on the hard drive space issue. Also it has a lot of other good tidbits. I personally think its easier to go with straight up uncompressed AVI since I hate bothering with strange codecs and I keep a TB hard drive around just to hold the intermediate files.