FLV as Save to File option


New Member
I try to save every stream to file so that I have something high quality to work with when creating YouTube highlights of a past broadcast. The problem with this is that I have a tendency to stream for hours at a time. If my connection hiccups and OBS gets disconnected from Twitch.tv, I sometimes have to wait for up to 5 minutes before my stream will reconnect because it is in the process of generating and saving a file of the previous broadcast. When I recorded in the past with XSplit, this was always an instant process because of FLV. I know that there are already a lot of things planned for OBS right now, but it would be nice if this could be kicked around as a feature in the future.
.FLV is already a save file format when saving to file, Under broadcast settings click the browse button on the filepath option and it should ask you where to save the file, at the bottom you should have "Save as type:" and a dropdown that lets you choose between both MP4 and FLV
Picture just to make sure i'm not crazy: http://i.imgur.com/gH8xFx9.png


New Member
Wow, I feel really silly! I had no idea that this option existed. Thank you so much for the quick reply and the image explaining how to do it. Development with OBS really is so fast that new features seem to whiz right past me!


New Member
I don't know if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong, but I am still automatically saving broadcasts as .MP4 even with .FLV selected under "Save File Type" (.FLV is even listed as part of the File Path under Broadcast Settings). I have tested this multiple times on both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the program. running as Administrator. I have attempted re-entering the path information and file type. I am using v0.467a.


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Forum Moderator
you type in "D:\savedvideofiledirectory\bla.flv" into the box and it will save as flv. you have to specify a file name.


New Member
Hey Jim. I know that you're very busy, so I appreciate that you've taken the time to look at this thread and my issue. Thank you!

I do have the .FLV file type selected and the file name entered. I've tried re-entering this information, changing the save directory, etc., but it still insists on building/saving the video file as an .MP4. Could it be my OBS version?




Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I unfortunately don't know why it's not building an FLV for you, I just tested this out on my end and it is creating an FLV when the file extension is specified. It shouldn't be the obs version at all. Could you see if perhaps see exactly what file it's saving to when that occurs?

Maybe try messing with the file name or something? I'm not entirely sure.