Flags FFmpeg on Linux. Not the same!


New Member
Project: Desktop to 5 Samsung TV using Tizen browser (no app support for local network); separate networks for security (two NIC).

It took edges to understand that OBS is using it owns library. Killing and reviving FFmpeg. Again and again. No straightforward mentioned that OBS is close environment.

All good with Apache server and .... no solution for deleting in HLS folder.
Simple mod, Advanced, nothing worked.
Flags in all kind of flavours and OBS rejecting them using split command... infinite creations of files. Using scripts to delete them? Common!

Agony just for this simple thing:

You can experiment more, for me that was enough.

Forget about flags like -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 6 -hls_flags delete_segments+append_list+omit_endlist -hls_segment_filename C:\path\to\your\www\html\hls\segment%d.ts
"Failed to parse ..." Nightmare.

Close to kill myself.
Why is not mentioning this clear inside app? Why custom option makes you got in the wrong conclusion that you can access/manipulate FFmpeg directly?
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Forum Admin
OBS doesn't use ffmpeg for encoding, except in the custom ffmpeg output mode, which is provided as-is and is left to the user to understand how the ffmpeg video opts work.

Even then, we don't use ffmpeg cli, we use libav.