Question / Help [FIXED] Issue with OBS and Virtual Audio Cables


New Member
I recently upgraded my PC and finally got around to re-installing and reconfiguring my Virtual Audio Cables again for streaming.

I have 3 audio cables i use:
Line 1: Default Audio
Line 2: What the Stream Hears
Line 3: Skype

Repeaters basically go this way 3->2 and 1->2 and 2->My Headset.

This way i basically can monitor what the stream hears and i can just include or exclude certain audio when I want and just redirect 3 or 1 to my headset exclusively at any moment with a different repeater.

The issue is that for some reason when using either Kernal or MMS audio repeaters I'm able to hear all audio just fine from all lines, OBS on the other hand only hears line 2 and line 2 only.

If anyone can shed some light on this issue what might be a good place to start looking for how to fix this because I used this before on a different PC and this setup worked fine and I've mirrored the configuration the best i could so I'm somewhat lost on the issue and i'm unsure if its some new quirk of OBS or a configuration issue in the Audio Cables.


Re: Issue with OBS and Virtual Audio Cables

I do VAC 1 which is default audio
I do VAC 2 which is my Mumble/TeamSpeak

VAC 1 sent to headset
VAC 2 sent to headset

If I want stream to hear Mumble/teamspeak I set that program to output to VAC1, if I want to hear it only, I use VAC2 inside those apps.


New Member
Re: Issue with OBS and Virtual Audio Cables

belboz said:
I do VAC 1 which is default audio
I do VAC 2 which is my Mumble/TeamSpeak

VAC 1 sent to headset
VAC 2 sent to headset

If I want stream to hear Mumble/teamspeak I set that program to output to VAC1, if I want to hear it only, I use VAC2 inside those apps.

The issue here is no matter how many cables or repeaters are used currently my OBS can only hear the audio on the cable its on currently, any repeaters going to the cable will not be heard.

Also to further explain my setup the reason i have it this way is because i like to just further increase my control over what the stream hears so at any moment i can just swap default audio or skype to me only. I do this as i stream both PC and stuff using capture cards and anything streamed using the capture card doesn't need any of the desktop audio to be heard.

As i said also my setup has been used before on my previous PC. But currently I've done simple tests like Repeater from 1->2, audio test on 2 shows up on the stream, audio test on 1 does not get picked up by the stream, try again with 1 to Headset, audio on 1 can be heard, try again with 1 to 2 and 2 to headset, and audio from 1 can be heard on the headset, but the stream doesn't pick it up.


New Member
FIXED: Issue with OBS and Virtual Audio Cables

I figured out the issue, after playing around with settings i found out the issue was on the recording devices for the line i needed to uncheck "allow device to take exclusive control". Didn't have to do that on the other PC so didn't even think to look at that until now.