Question / Help First time twitch stream set-up [Problem going live]

Here's my log, Discord app says it's now in [streamer mode]

the stream report says

Ikke tilgang til den angitte kanal eller stream-nøkkelen.
Dette kan være fordi nøkkelen/kanalen er ugyldig, eller fordi serveren fortsatt tror du er logget på.
RTMPSockBuf_Fill, remote host closed connection

(Unable to access this particular channel or stream-key.
This might be the cause of an invalid key/channel, or that the server still thinks you are logged on.?)


Active Member
1) Don't stream over wifi. It's NOT meant for constant minimum-throughput applications like livestreaming.

2) You may have left in a space/linefeed at the end of your stream key if you copy/pasted it. Paste it into Notepad first and make sure there are no extra spaces at the end, or linefeeds.
Thanks for the tips, the problem is solved now. all I had to do was refresh my key, the one I had first was very short, a friend pointed it out.. the new code is longer and it works :)