Question / Help Firefox playback not the same as Chrome


New Member
So i have noticed that when i stream and go back to watch the video on my twitch channel, that Firefox player processes more skipped frames by a large margin over the Chrome browser player. Has this been a known issue?


That seems to be something you should talk to the Chrome/Firefox/Twitch people about.

In other words, that has nothing to do with OBS.


New Member
Well it has to do with OBS because people that are streaming and using Firefox browser to view, are getting false readings from the video that shows more skipped frames than is really being rendered.


How is that 'false'? Firefox is 'dropping' those frames, not OBS... and it's letting you know that.

Unless you're conflating dropped frames in a browser to be the same as dropped frames in the output of OBS... which you are doing, and is (to put it gently) moronic, seeing as they have NOTHING to do with each other.

It's like complaining/pointing out/posting that a viewer doesn't have enough downstream bandwidth to watch your 2000kb stream. What does that have to do with OBS? (I'll tell you: NOTHING).

Again, so Firefox performs worse when viewing video as compared to Chrome. How is that an OBS issue? Why aren't you telling the Firefox devs? Why are you posting about a problem in a piece of software that is completely unrelated to OBS, in an OBS Forum?

Or to put it YET another way: What do you expect the OBS Devs to do about an issue in Firefox, and only Firefox?


New Member
Ok i am not going to entertain your attitude just because you can't see the fact that some new streamers could think there is something wrong with their OBS/Stream due to a glitchy browser player during playback on Twitch


Forum Moderator
He gave you a straightforward answer the first time, and when you didn't believe him he gave you a more detailed answer. Not sure what else you want here.