Question / Help Finding balance between voice and game audio



I have been having this problem for as long as I can remember. No matter how I set it, my voice is always drowned out by my in-game audio. I've tried messing with OBS, windows volume, in-game volumes. No matter what I change, the in-game audio is always too loud. I don't use any mic or desktop boosts in OBS. In-game, the volume is so low that I can barely hear it. But on stream, it sounds like it's enhanced.

Setting my mic any louder will cause distortion.

What do you guys suggest?


There are a number of factors that could change what you want.

There can be about 5 different places where you adjust audio in the process of sending it to stream or recording. The trick is that some options only affect the sound you hear, like your TV volume, and others only affect the sound you are sending out. Like the audio slider on the OBS main screen.

You have to find out the correct balance to your setup, maybe turning your sound down within the game you are playing and just simply turning up your TV volume will suffice.

Otherwise, have you tried using your mic in a different program, like TeamSpeak, and had others say that your voice is too low? If that is the case, then you might want to consider looking at your drivers, maybe you don't have any installed, or need a newer version.


The Helping Squad
If the problem in this case is "only" the microphone, you might want to try the mic audio boost in OBS. Keep your mic to normal settings in windows so its not distorted and then try different values of the mic audio boost.
For example try 5, 10, 15, if the mic is really low and record a video to test it a bit.


The mic isn't low. The mic is perfect. It's the game's volume that's too high. I had my microphone maxed out (100 in control panel, 100 on OBS) and was still getting drowned out by in-game audio. Everyone can hear me just fine on TS. I'm sometimes too loud for them.


The Helping Squad
Oh sorry, I got that wrong then. So if you have the mic in OBS on 100% and desktop on 1% for example, the desktop sound is still too loud? But the microphone in general, recorded by OBS has normal volume?
Maybe an example video would give us a better idea, but I am not sure we can currently fix this with OBS.


Dropping the volume slider in OBS from 40 to 30 made it a lot better. I guess that was the trick... 40 was too loud I guess.