Filename Formatting for Local Videos


New Member
It would be nice to have some additional filename options when using the Save to File feature.

For instance, you could implement some tokens such as %d for date, %b for bitrate, %m for mode (Live vs. Local) etc., so that typing "\path\to\%m - %d.mp4" as the File Path would result in "\path\to\Live Stream - 2012-10-28_10-55.mp4"

Another possibility is a checkbox for "Append Date to Filename" or similar.

Love the program so far!


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
yep, it's been requested before, so you're not the only one -- I'll try to get it in some time at some point.


New Member
This is my only concern right now with OBS, other than that this program is so great for local recording. So seemless and it's only in Alpha!

Something like they had with Bandicam, the file name would be the game you were playing and with the date and time.


New Member
Bump. I'd like to have this, and it doesn't seem to be implemented yet (?).

Maybe you could feed it through strftime? Wouldn't give you things like bitrate, but huge customizability with timestamps is already very useful (and I imagine it wouldn't take as long to implement as making something like that from scratch).


New Member
Agreed, this would make OBS for making local recordings much easier. Using similar applications I find that the timestamp is most useful.

Keep up the great work.