Figuring out how to CONSISTENTLY get Dazzle DVC100 Audio


I have tried numerous solutions for getting audio consistently from the Dazzle DVC100 V1.1 on Linux Mint 20.2 Uma (base: Ubuntu 20.04 focal)

I have found several different solutions that did not work for me.

Firstly in File > Settings > Audio I have disabled ALL sound devices
Then make your settings as seen herein.



Now add the Dazzle DVC video device, and the separate Audio Device (ALSA) if it does not already show
Here are the things that I noticed are consistent:
  1. Using an external sound card for Line in eventually results in out of sync audio, so that is not an option.
  2. After reboot there is no audio
  3. If audio gets out of sync, OBS will not properly quit instead it is minimized and can not be quit other than "sudo pkill obs"
  4. "Volume" and "mute" in Fille > Settings > Output do NOTHING. Seem do be broken for dazzle DVC100


Of course to test below you will need an active Video and Audio source plugged into the Dazzle DVC100

When I launch OBS and the Audio does not work from the Dazzle DVC 100 here is all I do:
  1. When I go to sources window Highlight the DVC100 Video source then select the cog wheel (settings) Audio most often suddenly starts from the DVC100 while launching the "properties" for Dazzle DVC Video WIndowSources.png
  2. If I reboot I must repeat previous step only.
This has worked through several reboots now and was discovered by accident. It makes me think there is some bug with the Audio Volume and Mute in the Video Properties because these are the oinly audio settings in there , and what they are doing there in Video I do not understand. Opening that Video properties windows seems to consistently give me the Dazzle DVC audio now.
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oops there is an error in OP

I erroneously wrote:
"Volume" and "mute" in Fille > Settings > Output do NOTHING. Seem do be broken for dazzle DVC100

that should be:
"Volume" and "mute in Properties for "Dazzle DVC100 Video" does NOTHING. Seem do be broken for Dazzle DVC100

Also I am very happy to report that after leaving the system on all night Audio sync was fine with this method (of internal DVC100 audio) and when I rebooted I only had to do the single step in OP to get it working again.

When I get my new SSD installed in Mac Mini I will install a partition for Linux Mint and try the same in latest version of Linux Mint. This will make the MacMini the mean lean capture machine.
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Ok I just tested this same method on Newest version of Linux Mint Mate: linux Mint 21.2 Victoria (base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy), Kernel: 5.15.0-76-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.3.0, OBS 29.1.3

My results are EXACTLY the same and the "single click fix" works exactly the same.

It seems the Devs are not interested in making a workaround for this quirk, bugfix or new feature that will allow these devices to be better used in OBS Linux but here they have been handed the solution which they promptly rejected on Github at first calling it a calling it a "support request" , which proves to me they did not even take the time to read the bug report at first. like many software devs, just too smug to fix something with a work-around, although it is done all the time in many pieces of software..

Not that different from how this original post disappeared until I complained. It was first marked for moderator approval then disappeared entirely

Giving to a community that so quickly writes you off is just plain insanity. I worked hard on my small contribution and I know that others will find it useful as many still use their Dazzle DVC100 to capture analog video. I am new to OBS but not to linux, nor open source. If that dev on github states that the driver gets open when the cog is clicked (no visible driver window) then why can the driver not be opened one time momentarily when the app is first launched? THIS WOULD SOLVE THE PROBLEM! This card may not be the only card affected this way either. We already know this driver works for a few different cards.
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Well OBS cannot fix all issues other drivers have without becoming a complete mess.

But perhaps even try to use the latest OBS version to begin with. In your Github report you are using OBS v25 while OBS v29 is the latest version as of writing. Same with the kernel version which probably does have your soundcard's drivers.

Just that something isn't working correctly isn't per se a bug, you would have to show the OBS code is doing something wrong.


Well OBS cannot fix all issues other drivers have without becoming a complete mess.

But perhaps even try to use the latest OBS version to begin with. In your Github report you are using OBS v25 while OBS v29 is the latest version as of writing. Same with the kernel version which probably does have your soundcard's drivers.

Just that something isn't working correctly isn't per se a bug, you would have to show the OBS code is doing something wrong.

well again , I guess my posts are not read and here you leave me more proof of that.

In my previous reply in this thread about 12 hours ago I said,
"Ok I just tested this same method on Newest version of Linux Mint Mate: linux Mint 21.2 Victoria (base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy), Kernel: 5.15.0-76-generic x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 11.3.0, OBS 29.1.3
My results are EXACTLY the same and the 'single click fix' works exactly the same."

As they say you can tune a piano, but you cant tuna fish


Have now tested this on several versions of Ubuntu/Mint with different versions of OBS from repos and the results and fix seem pretty consistent. The "one click fix" clearly works across versions and Linux versions


New Member
Hi Markosjal,
Thanks for your share. I have extra laptop for obs tasks, the audio issue appeared in my main workstation which I won't reboot it to test the drivers or install new hardwares. The obs(version 29.1) on my main workstation was compiled from scratch in the way of Gentoo. According to something I have reviewed, the associated software might caused this issue, which I would take some reversing research on those associates when my new distro BE READY.

I admire your effort and patience to fix this issue, and I will come back when it's ready. It's a pleasure to communicate with you!


While attempting this on another clean install. I discovered that this solution may not work with the flatpak install, as the flatpack install does not support ALSA. Best to use OBS reps for Ubuntu of you want the latest version.

I can not say if those rolling their own from source, may or may not have the same issue.


As I have now tested this "one click fix" on multiple configurations I can also say that if you happen to be running Linux Mint, or possibly any distro of Linux on a 2012 Mac Mini, or possibly other Macs, there is a separate bug which rears its ugly head but so far I have only confirmed it on the MacMini Late 2012 both core i5 and core i7 models.

The bug is that once the audio gets reset in this way with the "one click fix" posted in this thread, (or possibly before) , you will see horizontal lines in the capture feed which appear to be lines displaced from the video. These lines can resemble videotape drop-outs.Pulling the USB connector then re-plugging it makes the lines go away however you can no longer have audio and can not use the "one click fix" , as it will not give you the audio back! You would need to restart OBS for the one click fix to work then you have the displaced lines again.

My point is that if you intend to run this on Mac Mini hardware, or possibly any Mac hardware be advised as this problem may rear its ugly head. It is possible there is a setting that is affecting this but in Linux I see no crossbar settings or the like.

I even tried a powered USB 3.0 hub and can confirm that there is no power feed nor back-feed to the CPU USB (Ammeter shows 0mA) and the noise remains. I originally suspected this was power noise but think i have now ruled that out.


Ok I have been working with Dazzle DVC100, OBS on LInux running on Mac Mini after having encountered that displaced line bug. I think I have a work-around for it. It would be nice if someone else can test and confirm results

You will need a stereo mini Audio cable to get a Line in to the Mac Mini's "line in"

Connect the Video source audio to mac Mini Line in , ignoring audio input on

Connect the Dazzle DVC100 Directly to a Mac Mini USB port

Now launch OBS from Linux.

Add the Dazzle DVC100 as an audio source to the sources.

in audio mixer, mute the dazzle DVC 100 audio by clicking on speaker icon

Maker sure you have set up the Mac Mini Line in as an audio source in File > Settings

connect the audio of the video source to the Mac MIni Line in.

If you see these displaced lines that look like videotape drop-outs , then unplug the Dazzle DVC100 from the USB port WHILE LEAVING OBS RUNNING

after a few seconds reconnect the Dazzle DVC and image will soon update without the displaced lines.

It is now ready to record

if for any reason you need to readjust the properties for the Dazzle DVC the displaced lines may return. This would then require you to restart OBS then disconnect and reconnect the Dazzle DVC 100 while OBS is running.

for the mac mini this appears to be a one disconnect/reconnect fix!

Oddly enough this issue seems somehow related to the other audio issues and how activating the Dazzle DVC100 "properties" window then closing it activates the audio on a non-MacMini linux computer. In the case of these Late 2012 Mac Minis however the "one click fix" seems to be part of the cause of these displaced lines.
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As I now updated one system to OBS 3.0.0 I notice that I must now make adjustments in the Dazzle DVC100 Video device in sources. There is an audio level and mute and had to toggle mute on then off and adjust volume to get sound (THIS IS NO MISTAKE VOLUME AND MUTE IN VIDEO DEVICE IN SOURCES WINDOW). So it looks like the "one click fix" is now THREE clicks because you now also need to mute then un-mute audio device while you have those settings open. Have not yet tested on MacMini Hardware running Linux.