Question / Help Few questions on the Elgato and set-up


Wondering about the new update and how its supposed to stop that annoying game audio/video de-sync issue
I just dont understand how to stop the audio/video desync for the Elgato with the new 0.48.013b build

SO I have a few questions, and hopfully I can get a stream up without any issues.

1) stopping the Elgato de-sync issue it says to "use buffer" in the settings for the capture device. OK so I have that checked now, under the video section in settings, there is also now a dial there should this be left at '0'? and is this the setting that will fix that audio/video sync issue with Elgato?

2) I am also using a webcam while streaming and then a sepreate microphone (blue yeti) SO under the webcam settings do I need to also use the "Use Buffer" setting to keep it with the sync of the elgato? and should this be '0' aswell? Or do I leave that alone for the webcam?
*Sorrry I dont understand it very well but I really want to get this working.

3) the microphone I know I will have to set a delay in the OBS settings under "Audio" I was using a 1400ms before and I assume this new stuff above should not effect this? AND if I have the webcam there what should I do with that to get my voice synced with the mic to the webcam and game aswell?

and lastly
4) Under the actual OBS settings and under "Advanced" there are 2 options I dont understand
A) Scene Buffering Time and its set to 400ms
B) Force audio to use video timestamps as a base for audio time with the global offset at '0' and not able to be changed
I just dont understand these and not sure if these are an effect to the Elgato and what I am trying to do.

THANKS SO MUCH! I appreciate any and all help!


Same questions here, it would be really useful to have some sort of guide specificly for Elgato devices, I just received mine today =)

Edit : It was a bit messy since some of the answers are scattered around the forum but I was able to find this :

About the Elgato Game Capture HD audio/video synch :
- Set microphone offset to 1850 (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2608&hilit=elgato+audio&start=10#p14913) - I haven't tested it w/ my mic' (Blue Yeti) yet.

- "The elgato device appears to have sync issues. This issue is now fixed in 0.48.010 [and later versions], with the "Use buffering" option in the device section. You may need to use 100 to 200 or so milliseconds, though it should also work fine at 0." (viewtopic.php?f=0&t=2517&p=14314&hilit=elgato+audio#p14314)
Now, delaying the microphone audio will cause issues if you add an external source such as your Webcam because your voice will come after the actual lip flaps. The question remains : how can we delay a webcam device ?


thanks for the reply ^
also if anyone else has any for sure answers to this please let me know. Greatly appreciate it.


OK so I did allot of testing today for a few hours and I think I have it set up properly to use with the Elgato and a Webcam. I may make a guide for this if enough people want me to but basically to answer the questions I had asked myself above

1) to fix the audio sync issue you will need the newest update of OBS and within the settings for the device you will check "use buffer" and leave this at zero this will fix the audio/game sync issue

2) With the webcam and a sepreate mic, You will go into the settings of the webcam and do not use audio for it (I may test having the mic set here as its audio device) but just make sure you have once again checked "Use Buffer" and now this is where you will test the use buffer setting for me is 1200ms even tho my mic is offset to 1400ms but it all lines up perfect now.

3) answered above
4) I never messed with any of these settings

I have tried these on both Youtube & twitch and both turned out here are links to both of the streams I did today with it.
I can make a full setup with screenshots or just a video guide if anyone wants me to share my settings.