[Features Request] Low system impact mode(Mainly GPU) / Stripped features, for NDI streaming.


New Member
I'm proposing, making a mode with a lower impact on the GPU.
It had been stated before, that OBS needs the GPU to do it's thing(Scene compositing and scaling).
Was reading here: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/offloading-the-gpu-usage-somehow.62336/

Why do I think this we need it and is a good idea?
Well there's three ways of running a stream:

1. Streaming from the gaming PC.
Which requires a powerful and/or expensive PC.
And OBS puts a ~10% load on the GPU(In my case).
GamingPC(OBS compositing and scaling) > OutStream

2. Having the stream encode/run(OBS) on another PC, using a capture card.
But again, capture cards are also expensive.
At least, this takes the load(~10% GPU) off the gaming PC.
GamingPC > Capture card > StreamingPC(OBS, compositing and scaling) > OutStream

3. With the NDI plugin working great, the only downside to this setup, is the ~10% load on the GPU from running OBS(On the gaming PC).
GamingPC(OBS/NDI, compositing and scaling) > StreamingPC(OBS/NDI, compositing and scaling) > OutStream

With the NDI setup, I don't think the gaming PC, needs to do the same level of compositing and/or scaling(features), as the streaming PC.
And this is where the "Low system impact mode / Stripped features" come in to play.
GamingPC(OBS/NDI, Feature stripped) > StreamingPC(OBS/NDI, compositing and scaling) > OutStream

I hope there some wiggle room, to strip features and reduced GPU load.

If we could reduce the impact, from running OBS and NDI on the gaming PC, the gaming performance would come a lot closer, to running a capture card setup.

This has been quite hard to explain, so I hope you understand the point.
The end result will be better performance, and/or cheaper setups.


I found this thread while looking for answers to a different question, but I do have a suggestion. Newtek (the company that made the NDI standard) has a free tool set that includes a program called "NDI Scan Converter." It's basically a program dedicated to turning fullscreen or region of interest output into an NDI stream named the same as your PC, with literally nothing else running in the background other than that. It can be found here: https://www.newtek.com/ndi/tools/

I know it's been almost a year since you posted this, but I hope that this helps you, or at the very least someone else looking for something similar.