Feature Request - Global Hotkeyable Layers


Active Member
It'd be extremely handy to have global overlay images, and be able to toggle them on/off with a hotkey; just have them show up above the top layer of the current scene. It'd be useful for things like AFK splash-images, stream-memes (GET CARRIED!), quick view-blocker images for logins/emergency situations, and other info at the touch of a button, instead of having to find the layer and click it with a mouse, and having to include each in every scene (and update them if you want to change them).

Images are #1 in my mind; not sure if window/game/etc-capture would be needed (without something like linked layers being included as well, so you could toggle on a splash-image with an inset window, it'd seem less than useful... at which point you might as well just make it a new scene anyway and just switch to it).


The Helping Squad
You mean "Global" Overlays which can be activated through a Hotkey?
Most streamers I know, just have a Scene for that, with one picture, and a hotkey set for switching to it.

Alternatively there could be an option to add a hotkey to a Source and toggle the source on/off with that hotkey!


Active Member
Yep. But it'd be far more convenient/versatile; you could use an alpha channel enabled image to just pop up a splash over whatever you were doing, without completely blocking gameplay... either (again) for an AFK splash, a 'toast' style popover, a drop-shadowed (with alpha) 'sunburst' style badge... that kind of thing.

I'd rather have the togglable source be global and not have to re-add the source to every scene, but being able to assign a hotkey to layer visibility within scenes could also be useful, yes.


New Member
Why is this not available yet? and if it is. how do i do it? i would realy love the idea of being able to pop up an image whenever i enter a safe key or a door code in DayZ so that i dont reveal all my keycodes for doors, safes and lockboxes.
The best way for me to do that would be a very simple toggleable image that is ontop of the position of the key entry window.
No clue how to make it though.


Community Helper
The OBS rewrite will be able to do global overlay type things, at least in the producer view. I'm not sure if such a thing will be possible in the standard view.