Bug Report Failing to add .mp4 to file path does not record.


New Member
This is a big problem, and there is no user-visible bug or error message, meaning entire recordings are likely to be lost, particularly when recording locally as no online backup is created.

It's also a simple fix (seems like it should be, anyhow, I've not looked at the source code). I'd recommend simply forcing a .mp4 onto the end of the file path when 'start streaming' is clicked. this way the worst thing that happens is recording one directory up from from the expected directory.



The Helping Squad
If you forget to append .mp4 or .flv to the filename obs tries to find a folder instead of using it as a filename at the moment.
You can use this to save files in the format:


New Member
right, but if you feed the file path something like ...folder/FILENAMETHATISNOTAFOLDER
You get the problem I was describing, where nothing is recorded and no error is thrown, which is a big problem. Even throwing an error message would be a massive fix and no doubt save people a ton of time on lost recordings.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Yes, there is a bug where certain invalid filenames as well as invalid folders will do nothing and not say anything. You have to either type in either a valid path or a valid path with mp4/flv filename at the moment. If you use path, it automatically defaults to mp4 and created a timestamp filename. If you use a filename, you need to use .flv and .mp4 so it knows which to create. But yes, still a bug that it doesn't report "invalid filename" at least or anything.