Question / Help Failed to connect to server when streaming to facebook live


New Member
Thanks for the replies! Will try that once I am free. Also I saw from somewhere that some modems that my ISP provided has firmwares that blocks port 80. Gonna confirm with them on the weekends!


New Member
ok i tried using a vpn and binded to the ip of the vpn. i was able to stream from there but it was very laggy. whats the reason why it worked when i bind to the ip of the vpn but not when i bind to the other options?


New Member
Check your server IP bindings, and/or disable Ipv6. I've had very similar symptoms over the last few days, and it turns out a hardware firewall that was blocking ipv6 traffic was replaced with one that permitted IPv6 earlier in the week, but the ISP wasn't forwarding v6. OBS was trying to connect to FB Live's IPv6 address and was failing.

In settings | advanced...check "Network" at the bottom of the window and ensure that "Bind to IP" has the IPv4 address selected instead of "default"... unless you canor want to disable ipv6 altogether.

May not work for you, but after hours of research, I thought I'd post the fix that worked for us.



Nelson Cho

New Member
I made an account just to help you guys out because I struggled with these for 2 days.

Basically after trying everything out. The solution for me was to call the Internet Service Provider and they changed some things to allow HTTP Proxy to pass through the firewall!


New Member
I called my isp and explained to them my situation but they kept insisting that nothing is wrong on their side , even though everything starts working the moment I tried to bind to my vpn. What should I do then