Question / Help Facebook Live stream error: 'Can't connect to server' on school network.


New Member
I'm studying artschool in college and I would like to open a Facebook Live stream at my school network using OBS. However whenever I try to set it up I can't connect to the server. I know my school blocks P2P connections but i would really like to do it since it's for an art project.
I've already added OBS to my firewall and changed the network type to home network on my laptop. I'm using a windows 7 laptop.
Your help would be appreciated!

Edit: here is the log:


Forum Admin
17:49:36.230: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (De externe host heeft een verbinding verbroken.)
17:49:36.230: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.

Looks like the connection is being blocked. You'll need to contact your school IT support and ask if they allow RTMP outbound over port 1935.


Forum Admin
Ah, Facebook I think uses port 80, which is standard web traffic. They might be blocking based on protocol or other factors.