Bug Report Facebook live only accept SSL/RTMPS


New Member
Facebook live endpoint is changed, now they only support secure connection (SSL/RTMPS), but FFMPEG is confirmed working good with rtmps.

Aand here the error log
URL without SSL (RTMP)
Error: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
21:29:18.426: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://rtmp-api.facebook.com:80/rtmp/...
21:29:18.428: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (ethernet, 100 mbps)
21:29:18.471: RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
21:29:18.471: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
21:29:18.471: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp://rtmp-api.facebook.com:80/rtmp/ failed: -2
21:29:18.472: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================

Error: RTMP_Connect1, no SSL/TLS support
21:32:06.449: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://rtmp-api.facebook.com:443/rtmp/...
21:32:06.485: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (ethernet, 100 mbps)
21:32:06.552: RTMP_Connect1, no SSL/TLS support
21:32:06.552: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmps://rtmp-api.facebook.com:443/rtmp/ failed: -2
21:32:06.553: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Facebook Live works just fine for me on OBS Studio 0.16.6 using RTMP, not RTMPS. As far as I know, Facebook's ingests aren't SSL/TLS by default. You have to enable the setting "Secure Connection" in Facebook Live when setting up your stream for it to require an RTMPS connection. In the Facebook Live settings, this can be found under "Basic" if the stream feed has not yet begun, or under "Stream Key" otherwise.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I had tested it right before I posted my previous reply. When you set the stream key on Facebook's end, you have to make sure that "Secure Connection" is unchecked.

As I understand it, OBS does not currently support RTMPS out of the box, because OBS cannot ship with OpenSSL due to a few reasons (legal uncertainties and license incompatibility being among them).


New Member
"Secure Connection" is unchecked, and produce error log above. but problem solved now I had to compile with OpenSSL support. btw thanks for your support.


New Member
como lo solucionaste al problema amigo ? yo tengo el mismo problema no puedo transmitir via facebook me sale que el certificado enviado ssl no es valido


New Member
I am sorry for revive this old thread.

In 1st May 2019, Facebook dropping support RTMP, and supporting RTMPS in the future

RTMP — On May 1st, 2019, the Real-time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) will be deprecated from the Live API, GoLive Dialog, and Publisher Pages. RTMPS (RTMP over a TLS/SSL connection) will continue to be supported.
Source: Facebook Developer

This change cause some ISP implement speed cap for non secure connection. Facebook tries to make high quality live stream.
In my country, most ISP do upload speed cap for non secure connection, switching to secure connection, full speed is gain.

Currently I using custom build and old version of OBS (18.0.1) at GitHub:

In the future, will official OBS support RTMPS?


Active Member
Just choose "Facebook Live" from the Services. If you use this entry and are using OBS Studio 22 or later, you are are already streaming with rtmps.


New Member
I ran into this same problem, running on arch linux's binary. Because facebook now mandates RTMPS, OBS needs to actually be built with the mbed TLS library installed. So, I've added a note to https://github.com/obsproject/obs-s...4cb6b6ff048d05cb641c9c#linux-build-directions and I've informed arch linux (https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/62686). Any linux package maintainers: please add the mbedtls as a dependency and please update your package build scripts to compile obs with mbedtls library already installed.


New Member
OBS 24.0.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 not able to stream on Facebook live, no SSL/TLS support error.

I used the package from the repo and also tried the SNAP version, same thing, it works on Ubuntu 18.04, I tried the 18.04 package on 16.04 and it gives the SSL/TLS error as well.

I cannot upgrade to 18.04 at the moment, the Ubuntu 16.04 install is a highly customized radio automation setup and we us OBS to live stream some of our programs, we take the audio from that computer's sound card.

The problem appears to be with OBS running on Ubuntu 16.04.


New Member
OBS 24.0.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 not able to stream on Facebook live, no SSL/TLS support error.

I used the package from the repo and also tried the SNAP version, same thing, it works on Ubuntu 18.04, I tried the 18.04 package on 16.04 and it gives the SSL/TLS error as well.

I cannot upgrade to 18.04 at the moment, the Ubuntu 16.04 install is a highly customized radio automation setup and we us OBS to live stream some of our programs, we take the audio from that computer's sound card.

The problem appears to be with OBS running on Ubuntu 16.04.
I just realized that when trying to install the 18.04 version on Ubuntu 16.04 that dependencies were not met and I ended up installing the 16.04 version again but the SNAP version has the same no SSL/TLS support error