Face changer - Webcam + effects

Face changer - Webcam + effects


New Member
PlayerL3478 submitted a new resource:

Webcam + effects - This pluging-allows to change by a image or pin + effects.


1. Go to https://lab.scratch.mit.edu/face/
2. Click "Try it out"
3. Download this file: Extension script.sb3
4. Go to scratch lab tab
5. Click "file" and then click "load from computer"
6. Locate the downloaded file and open it
7. On the right corner you see a bigger buttion click on that
8. Click the green flag


Open changer = A
Close changer = B
Next face = Button/ 1

This is till now more to come

Read more about this resource...


New Member
super cool i was playing around with this and turned myself into ghost, very cool concept. I wonder if you can make it so it just tracks eyes.

I want one that can blur out just the eyes and could track your head if it tilts to the left and right keeping a identity slightly hidden my kid thought this was awesome, i may have enjoyed it myself.