Question / Help Experiencing Lag which I never had before w/ Same Settings


New Member
First of all, thank you for replying and helping me with my problem. So lets get to it. I had no problems at all when I was streaming league before w/ programs like chrome, osu open in the background and the stream would run absolutely fine, as shown in one of my older streams on csgo ( I also have an older league stream for comparison aswell ( Only now I have erased both my drives and started fresh because I had everything on my C drive with only 300gb. So I restarted everything and re-stalled obs and now I get major frame drop, even if I have my 'minimize network impact on' it my ping would skyrocket and when it makes me need to end the stream I look at my frame drop percentage which is up in 80%+ and I can only see the red box if that makes any sense, thanks for your help and I hope to resolve this as soon as possible. I will post my log from now where my stream is tripping out and unfortunately I cannot get any logs from before as the list on obs only goes back so far.

my log now:


New Member
that was the first thing I checked when I this problem started. nothing on the list made the frames better, or made streaming tolerable.


Forum Moderator
Dropped frames are a networking issue, and those are all of the troubleshooting steps we can provide to help, since network conditions are outside of OBS's control.


New Member
but my obs settings or network setting haven't changed from before I reset my pc, can something happen to obs to cause frame drop from where obs is on my computer? before I had everything on my C drive, I was running with 2500 bitrate with my 5 upload speed 12 download, and it was working fine. After I reset and had mostly everything on my D drive apart from my OS. I tried obs again, but it constantly lagged when I was streaming games.


Active Member
Just because your network hasn't changed doesn't mean that one between you and your game or one and your streaming service hasn't


New Member
Alright. thanks for clearing up some things. I'll try to sort things out on my side and see if I can stream again, thanks a lot :)


New Member
Alright I found the reason why I think my obs frames were dropping, could this happen because of an external program to record gameplay like If so I think that was the reason. Now I wonder what it means in encoding between using x264 or Nvidea NVENC, does this mean that my gpu or cpu I can choose to burden with running obs or something? I'm probably far off but assuming thats what it is, I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 for my graphics and an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz when I stream my computer makes loud noises which makes me think the burden is too high on my cpu? in task manager it runs at around 45% and I wonder if it's a good idea to switch over to the NVIDEA encoder, thanks.