Question / Help Experience with this card ?


heros in an halfshel
I can't tell you if it's compatible with OBS or not, but as long as it has standard DirectShow drivers, it should work fine.

However, you should be aware that this, as well as all other capture cards I know of, only allows displaying the input from one channel on the card, as in you would not be able to view all four HDMI inputs at the same time.


New Member
Hm ok, i try to contact them and ask for further Information about this Card.
However, it doesnt really madder that I only can Display one Input at the same time... I just Need a device to Switch between 3-4 Hdmi Inputs... And i thought this might be the most cheap solution....


New Member
Thanks for the advice, I'm going to mail them right now...

But in the meantime:
Have u guys any suggestions how it might be possible to Switch between 3 hdmi sources, without having a capturecard with 3 or more Inputs...? Maybe an hdmi Switch ? (But i heard that the switching time is about 3-4sek by products like that...)

Thanks in advance


Well there are hdmi switches but what i have seen, they aren't cheap. If that capture card works with obs, it will be cheaper than like Live Gamer HD + HDMI Switch. Well my info might be outdated since last time i checked for hdmi switch was like 3-4 years ago :D

Lol first one i found is for 29,90€ (DeLock High Speed 3x1 Hdmi Switch) so they are not so expensive anymore :D


New Member
hm yeah, there are quite a lot Switches which are very cheap, but my "only" Problem is, that the switching time might bee to Long.... But i also read something about an Edid function, which lowers the switching time nearly equal to Zero... So that would be great, but im again not quite sure what it costs...