Question / Help Excluding audio in OBS


New Member
Is it possible, when streaming, to set an option to not capture audio from a program while the stream is on?
My example is that I would like to stream and play my music at the same time, but dont want the music being played from google chrome to be captured as it is disruptive.
I only want the music to audible to my speakers, not the stream.
Is this option available? I really love the program. I appreciate any help


There are basically 2 ways to do this...

1 -- Use different audio devices. So, basically, play the music on your speakers and set your OBS to capture your headset (or the other way around).
2 -- Use Virtual Audio Cable. There are some tutorials on how to set up VAC for OBS. Just have a look around the forums. Or someone might come in and link one for you.