Bug Report Error when trying to Add Software Capture Source


New Member
I figured it out, but it's still an issue. When there is no windows open (that OBS can use to capture), except OBS, and you try to Add Software Capture Source it crashes with Error. Also, Source Sub-Region settings sometimes reset and then, sometimes, reappear. User should be the only one who can change them, isn't it? I can't still make sence of it. Is it displaying it wrong or really changing it? And the last one: how about to add a checkbox "Fit to screen" to the source properties?

Thank you.

Also, Source Sub-Region settings sometimes reset and then, sometimes, reappear. User should be the only one who can change them, isn't it? I can't still make sence of it. Is it displaying it wrong or really changing it?
I've checked the scenes.xconfig. Looks like OBS is just showing wrong info.


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Ah, I'll check it out, thank you. But it shows the wrong information for sub-region?

You can already fit to screen by hitting Ctrl-F when the source is selected, or right clicking and going to "fit to screen".


New Member
Jim said:
Ah, I'll check it out, thank you. But it shows the wrong information for sub-region?

You can already fit to screen by hitting Ctrl-F when the source is selected, or right clicking and going to "fit to screen".

Most of the time it shows, that Sub-Region option is not even checked. And yes, it shows wrong Sub-Region settings.

I know all that. But what i suggested is a checkbox in source properties, so that source will automaticly fit the screen. Also, i'm not sure, but fit the screen sometimes resets, at least on a preview.


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Okay I'll check it out.

Currently, whenever you configure something, it resets on purpose because if it doesn't, the aspect ratio gets screwy. I could add an option to make software capture fit to screen, but I have a concern first - do you mean fit as in stretch, or downsize? If so, you will lose pixel information, or send too much pixel information. It is much more ideal to go to settings->video and set your base resolution to the same width or height as your software capture source than to strech your software capture source, so you have a 1:1 pixel ratio.


New Member
Jim said:
Okay I'll check it out.

Currently, whenever you configure something, it resets on purpose because if it doesn't, the aspect ratio gets screwy. I could add an option to make software capture fit to screen, but I have a concern first - do you mean fit as in stretch, or downsize? If so, you will lose pixel information, or send too much pixel information. It is much more ideal to go to settings->video and set your base resolution to the same width or height as your software capture source than to strech your software capture source, so you have a 1:1 pixel ratio.

Not stretch, that will fill whole screen with source despite its size/aspect ratio/resolution, but increasing the source in size, so that it touches both border in heigh or width without losing it aspect ratio (stretch with saving aspect ration). I'm suggesting it, because for example, some games don't have borderless window/fullscreen window, but i want it to fill whole screen one way or another. So i'm using autohotkey script, that makes window borderless, kinda. But sometimes there's little borders (that consume 6 pixel in height and width). So i change my source propeties and subtract 6 from my height and width and place the actual capture in x:3 y:3 (that's the settings that dissaper all the time). So, i'm not losing much so fit to screen checkbox would be nice. Just saying. Do as you think would be better.


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Would you mind just manually using the fit-to-screen after configuring instead? (Ctrl-F while the source is selected)

..I would just rather not have people start relying on that option due to the 1:1 pixel ratio issue, as well as bandwidth concerns. It just causes the image quality to be altered if you upscale/downscale. This may be entirely subjective, but the only time I may personally agree with using it is when your source is very small, but even then the viewers will automatically have their output scaled by the flash player anyway. If you scale up your image, you also use up more bandwidth than you probably need to. These are just the concerns I have with it.


New Member
Jim said:
Would you mind just manually using the fit-to-screen after configuring instead? (Ctrl-F while the source is selected)

..I would just rather not have people start relying on that option due to the 1:1 pixel ratio issue, as well as bandwidth concerns. It just causes the image quality to be altered if you upscale/downscale. This may be entirely subjective, but the only time I may personally agree with using it is when your source is very small, but even then the viewers will automatically have their output scaled by the flash player anyway. If you scale up your image, you also use up more bandwidth than you probably need to. These are just the concerns I have with it.

Sure, no problem. And the last question. How many times should i use "Fit to screen"? Every time i change source? Every time i start streaming? And when could source somehome become "not fited", other than resizing/moving by myself? In easy words, when does it resets?


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The size only resets after changing the configuration of the source. That's the only time when you should use it if you wish to use it -- you can see your results in the preview window, so use it whenever you feel you need to.


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sorry, I'll make sure to fix this issue at some point -- just have been busy