Question / Help Error: Could not initialize DirectX 10 on Intel (R) HD graphics.


New Member
I cannot stream or preview my stream for some reason! Whenever I try, I get this error message:

"Error: Could not initialize DirectX 10 on Intel (R) HD graphics. This error can happen for one of the following reasons:

1.) Your GPU is not supported (DirectX 10 is required - note that many integrated laptop GPUs do not support DX10)
2.) You're running Windows Vista without the "Platform Update"
3.) Your video card drivers are out of date

If you are using a laptop with NVIDIA Optimus or AMD Switchable Graphics, make sure OBS is set to run on the high performance GPU in your driver settings."

I have a Windows 7 desktop, DirectX 11, and I have updated video card how come this message is appearing? Can someone please help? I don't know what's wrong.
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Active Member
Not sure but you might try running this:

A GTX560 should definitely work with OBS. Which Nvidia driver version are you using? IMO 332.21 is still the most trouble-free (unless you need the later versions for brand new game that just had support added).

When is the last time you ran Windows Update and kept updating until they offered no more updates (usually on a PC that hasn't been updated in a while, I have to go to the Windows Update site multiple times, as there's updates to updates).


New Member
Ah, I'm sorry, I have Intel (R) HD graphics. I forgot to change my graphics type after copy and pasting the error from another person's thread.

I am pretty sure that I have everything as updated as possible...I updated my video card drivers earlier today.

I will try the link that you gave me, Boildown, and then I will post again with the result. Thank you :)


New Member
I tried downloading DirectX 10 a few days ago, but I later found out that I had DirectX 11 already.

Maybe this has something to do with my Intel (R) HD graphics?


Active Member
Depending on which Intel HD Graphics you have, it might not support the right features for OBS to work with it. What's your CPU?


New Member

This is information about my computer. I wasn't sure if there was anything else that you may have wanted to see or ask about, so I just put everything here.


Forum Admin
You can't use OBS on that GPU, it's too old to support DX10 features in hardware.


Active Member
Something that fully-supports DX10 in hardware (not the downloadable DX10 or higher software package). Most anything even semi-modern will do it just fine (though stay away from the nVidia GTX 2## line, they're known to have slow VRAM that will cause issues with OBS). Generally speaking, anything made in the last three years that isn't a super-cheap 'just enough to show video at all' no-name card should work. Possibly even those. I believe that an nVidia 9600 even can do it, but it'll be pretty slow and give crap gaming performance.

ATI/AMD: Radeon 6*** or higher
nVidia: GTX 4** or higher

Older cards will probably still run it, but anything older than the above, whoever's trying to sell it to you should be paying you to take it away at this point.


Active Member
No. Read the thread. If you get that error, your GPU does not fully support the DX10 hardware instruction set. You need a new GPU.